In Addition to new features , Grocee

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Unlimited possibility with
tons of features


Color Swatches

Color options for a product should be displayed on the product page.


Enhanced Search

You can add predictive search to your store so that suggested results appear immediately as you type into the search field.


Filter Sorting

Allowing customers to filter products based on search filters such as size, color, or brand on the collection page


Selling worldwide

It includes options for selecting currencies, countries, and translations.


In store Local Pickup

You can set up the option for customers to pick up their online orders at your retail store, curbside, or any location that you choose.


Mega Menu

Set up menu navigation to allow for multi-column drop-down navigation.


Quick View

View product details in a popup window without leaving the current page


Slide out Cart

You can access the cart from any page. It will help customers to add to the cart, remove, and move from any page to the checkout page


Quick Buy

Allow customers to add items to their shopping cart without leaving the page.